Sunday, February 17, 2008

Emily Turns Two

Look how much Emily has changed over the last year. Her hat went from a frilly pink explosion to a hip and cool Elmo. The princess on her cake escaped and a sunshine took her place. Some hippies in tie die shirts snuck into her party. And she has also turned into a smart little walking, talking mini person. About the only thing that stayed the same is Ed's shirt, and how sane him and Allison still look, considering they usually get as much sleep in a night as Emily does in her afternoon nap.

It is amazing how far one can get in life using just three words:
mm hmm, no, and Minnie. The first is helpful when mom asks if you if you want more ketchup (dip) with your hot dog, the second is a favorite response when dad asks if you want to go night night, and the third is an easy way to summon your best bud to the TV.

Who knows what she'll be doing by the time birthday #3 rolls wedgies to her brothers, building a replica of her house using Play-Doh, or writing the next great American novel.
You'll have to check back to find out.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Best Valentine's Ever

Why would I say that this has been the best Valentine's Day yet? I think Ryan would agree with me on this one. It's because we learned our friend Siyad is part of the Oceanic Six. [And WOW! am I impressed with what a straightening iron can do for him.] Ryan did predict Siyad would be one of thie six. I am still rooting for Sun and Jin.

Oh, and we did have some good chow at Club Lucky. Although the seven piece band didn't ever show up.....

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Why Blog?

So we have a blog, what do we do now? I guess when we are old and grey, we can look back and read about what we had to say when we were youngish. And I can prove to Ryan I am right whenever we can't remember the specifics around something....

I guess I'll start with the reason why we started this blog (flog). Darlene Carter has been driving us bonkers about starting one. I think so she can just catch up on us without picking up the phone, which honestly makes sense. So I'll pick up where she left off and tell everyone else - START A BLOG.

Quick catch up on our lives:
2000 - we met
2001 - we fell in love
2007 - we got married - Whoa, we have known each other for awhile.
Oh and in 2006, 2007 & 2008 we became an Aunt & Uncle - see photos on the right. Can you tell we are crazy about our nieces and nephews?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Welcome to Our Flog

Hello there fellow interweb users. The word on the street is that internet addresses are being gobbled up faster than Laura eats popcorn at the movies, so we figured we should get our foot in the door before it's too late. Apparently flogging (family blogging) is all the rage these days, so this will be an easy way to keep you up to date on the latest happenings in our family. That means that you can look forward to all sorts pictures, words, and homemade claymation movies filling you in on our death defying stunts, hilarious antics, and heartwarming tales. Stay tuned! If you want to. Actually there's probably a lot of stuff you can look at right now that's way cooler. Like this.