Thursday, March 27, 2008

And then the dryer broke

Are you serious?! Have you seen a cuter smile? This was definitely one of our most fun holidays because we got to spend it with Mya! Who knew that seeing someone scream every time MiMi entered the room would be so entertaining.

Despite our fun times in J'ville, there was no warning that this Easter was going to be our most unlucky. After getting stuck in our garage with Ashley & Byron on our way to the train station (because someone had crashed into the garage door due to the SNOWY! conditions) we managed to have a semi-truck back into our car, get a flat tire, and finally come home to a broken dryer. Sheesh! Good thing we had Mya around to cheer us up!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

We're Old

We went to the South Side Parade today, which was an interesting experience but served as one of those semi-frequent reminders that things have changed a lot since our zany college days. Back then, we could drink green beer all day, scarf down a couple slices of Bonnie Jean's pizza, and wake up the next day feeling as refreshed as a newborn babe. Now we have a hard time believing that we used to party as hard as the young whippersnappers we saw today. The two sweethearts passionately making out while standing in a puddle of vomit in the port-o-potty line...the three gentlemen who covertly urinated on the leg of their oblivious buddy...the kids posing for pictures on top of an overturned port-o-john. It's fun to think that we were way to cool for these kinds of amateur stunts, but who are we kidding? The best we can hope for now is that the hooligans in question were high school kids, because they looked really young to us. If they were collegians, we're in big trouble because we're even older than we think.

Some other random stuff:

- A couple good things about Bill Foster's win in the special election for Denny Hastert's old spot in Congress. First, Jim Oberweis is a weenie and it's nice that his sleazy fear-mongering attack ads backfired on him. Second, and most importantly, we will no longer be subjected to the nonstop advertising blitz that has been on our TV for about a month now.

- The summer, and everything that goes with it (including baseball), can't get here soon enough. I can't tell you how happy it makes me that this dude is no longer in the Cubs dugout. Nice to have a grown up in the dugout.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

So Fierce!

My stomach actually had butterflies in it as we waited to see who would be declared winner of this season's Project Runway. And yes, I admit I may have gotten a bit choked up when Christian cried.

With the season over, it's official, Ryan predicted every winner, every week. Looking forward to next season and hoping somehow Santino and Christian will have their own show together. I love reality tv.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Too Much Cream

Ugh. That is how I would describe how I felt all day on Thursday after taking our Italian 101 cooking class at the Chopping Block. On Valentine's I surprised Ryan with a gift card for a cooking class at the Chopping Block - he surprised me by booking a class at the Chopping Block. I guess we're already beginning to think alike!

Wednesday evening was the class and we were paired with a 30 something girl and her father who had taken the Meat 101 class the night before. It definitely made a difference that we were cooking with such a fun couple of people. While Ryan and Wayne cranked out homemade pasta for 2 hours, Rhonda and I made the sauces for the lasagna and filling for the ravioli. We switched with the boys to make the green fettucini noodles and they made the HEAVY 4 cheese sauce for the fettucini and some butter sauce for the ravioli. Needless to say everything was delicious, but I helped myself way too much to the sauce soaked fettucini. By the time we got home, Ryan was ready to sign us up for a second class. I quickly silenced him letting him know I would puke if he mentioned food one more time.

Thursday I woke to work out and promptly went back to bed fearing I was seconds away from throwing up pasta everywhere. Luckily I made it through the work day, but barely. It wasn't until we went to Sola with my parents and had a beer to burp up the bad stuff did I feel better. We are definitely signing up for another class, and will try to drag some friends along with us, but I will be prepared and try not to eat more than one helping of each thing we make. Woops! It was just so good! This photo definitely does not look pretty, but please note that you can't see the green noodles because they are drenched in cream. I think I am starting to feel ill.