Monday, June 16, 2008

One Year Later

Hat's off to Gladware's - Press 'n Seal. After one year in our freezer and a weekend of thawing in the fridge, our wedding cake was more delicious than I remember. Maybe that's because I didn't eat more than a nibble the night of our wedding, but I am still impressed.

Pretty unbelievable we got married a year ago! As we celebrate more weddings this summer, it's nice to relax and reminisce about our own.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Life Only Goes Down After College

Or at least that's what we learned at Avenue Q on Monday night. Not your typical broadway show, Avenue Q is made up of a cast similar to Sesame Street - both actors and puppets.

The show was hysterical with songs like "Everyone is little bit racist" and "It sucks to be me" and included acts with puppets getting frisky after having too many Long Island Iced Teas and Gary Coleman as a landlord in a NYC apartment building. I would definitely recommend it. The only bad part was when I got yelled at for having my feet on the chair ahead of me.

"This is the theater lady!"